“It won’t happen to me” – Theft of your High Value Assets

Based on our experience (and that of our customers), these are the most commonly targeted and highest risk items:

  • Utes
  • Small Diggers
  • Small Trucks and Vans
  • Trailers
  • Fuel tankers, generators, pumps, log splitters, and water blasters
  • Batteries, fuel, electronic equipment and accessories
  • Tools and supplies

Some businesses and organisations also underestimate the risk of theft or damage to specialist or unique equipment. For example, thieves snuck off with an entire portable kitchen, a mobile dishwashing unit, and are even brazen enough to flog civil defence and emergency equipment in broad daylight.

Unfortunately it doesn’t just stop with stolen assets. Thieves can often cause thousands of dollars of damage from forced entry or using fire to destroy evidence or failed theft attempts. Another significant cost and hazard is damage to safety equipment (radio communications, spotlights, safety beacons) and interfering with the function of equipment (damage to electrical wiring or hydraulic lines) making it unsafe to operate.

If your business has portable assets or items that can be transported (such as vehicles, machinery, equipment, supplies, and tools), then the risk of these being stolen is real, and if you haven’t already, we recommend conducting an audit of your high value assets, and to access the risk and plan preventative measures of the negative consequences should theft occur.

Every year Fleetpin works with customers throughout New Zealand and across many different industries and types of businesses to help prevent the theft of vehicles, machinery, and equipment. In almost every case where one of our customer’s assets are stolen, and they’re fitted with a Fleetpin GPS tracker, we’ve been able to help our customers get their gear back and save a whole lot of headaches, time, and money.

Theft of assets is a risk that every business should take seriously. Talk to our Fleetpin Team if you’re serious about theft prevention and recovery of assets.